Fabric mockup of the Ahoi Sailor Collection by Elisa Mink.

Ahoi Sailor Collection

Fabric mockup of the Ahoi Sailor Collection by Elisa Mink.
Fabric mockup of the Ahoi Sailor Collection by Elisa Mink.
Logo of the Ahoi Sailor Collection by Elisa Mink.

Ship ahoy and anchors aweigh!

I have had a special relationship with the sea since I was born. Growing up in Lübeck, a picturesque town near the Baltic Sea, I remember many summer days on the beach. Another part of my family lives on the small North Sea island Föhr, where I often spent my vacations. My father was a captain, so I guess it’s something in my genes that always draws me to the sea.
So this collection comes straight from my heart, my soul and is full of childhood memories. I hope it awakens that rushing feeling of waves, fresh salt in the air and warm sand under your toes.
Feel free to contact me here for more information about the collection as well as licensing availability and customizing options.

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